So by now you are are at least moderate advanced in Lean.
You have a strong problem-solving capability available, you have a clear long-term and this year’s view and focus on these goals.
Time to take it to the next level: a program that enables you to pursue goals you dream of, but don't yet know how to achieve.
Supported by a Belt program to ensure the right level of in-house expertise and a support organization that ensures all (CapEx) projects run smoothly.
Connecting your Hoshin Kanri process with KATA.
OK, so you have a Hoshin process. And you have active PDCA improvement cycles.
But are you fixing problems or striving for something new and better?
Do you want to make a step change?
Learn how to:
- Strive for a situation you can only image.
- Work towards that situation.
- Learn while you move along.
- Strive for better.
Defining your Lean organization.
Coming to this level of maturity, you must have a number of Belts in your organization.
Do you have enough, or to many?
Do you have the right kind of Belts?
Learn how:
- To form a Belt strategy.
- The industry benchmark ratio is.
Every organization is running projects.
And is reluctant to stop a project once it’s started.
And sometimes assigns to many resources to projects, often without realizing this.
And end up with projects that show to little progress.
Learn how a PMO can:
- Contribute to you business.
- Create oversight.