A Learning System is there to help you structure all activities you have active around learning.
A system to ensure that learning activities contribute to business goals, and are measurable in all layers.
A good analyses as to what kind of learning, in depth knowledge, an improved skills set or should it contribute to the mindset and attitude of your organization?
Execute on those decisions and anchor them, using Function Matrices and a Learning Management System.
Linking business goals to training.
Are you putting a lot of time and money in Learning?
And yet you don’t know how this is affecting your business?
Learn how to:
- Define the learning targets, connecting business needs.
- Measure this.
- Come to the most effective learning interventions.
- Execute them in real life.
When things don’t go the way you want them: is there an attitude problem, insufficient knowledge or is the competency level insufficient?
Learn how to:
- Distinguish one from the other.
- Take the most effective countermeasures to increase knowledge and competency.
- Influence attitude.
Learning Management System.
You don’t have a good overview of who has what training assigned, or the status of that training?
Or are you spending much energy in getting this overview and keeping it up to date.
Learn how to:
- Structure the learning content in logical curricula.
- Assign them to the right target audience.
- Monitor the status.
Structure roles and tasks within a function.
How good have you defined what a good operator knows and can do?
Or any other function?
What is core and common for a function, what is optional, or required over time?
Learn how to:
- Address these questions.
- Make new employees adding value much sooner.
- Give them a positive feeling at the same time.